Hey folks, today, were quite a varied day for me, I have discovered some health issues thanks to my wild lifestyle, buy I know it’s not something that can’t be fixed, it has a solution, have a more responsible lifestyle, avoid smoking, drinking and etc.
On the other hand, I had a wonderful time with my high school friends, fist with Topo and Zamo, we sooooo obviously caught up on resent events, and told each other exactly what we thought (in a totally brotherhoody sort of way). Later with Cheko, Damian and Gloria, we went housepary searching, we finnaly found the abandoned house, later we went for some drinks we totally had a blast, gossiping on superficial things, and catching up on the resent things in each other’s lives as well.
It was a great day, though I might be prohibited something’s that I really enjoy, I must stop, unless I want to get myself killed at the young age of 19.
Monday is my English exam, I really hope I pass, since I have been practicing on my English grammar and such, I must to do well, if I don’t it’s going to be quite depressing. Tuesday is the public opinion class examination, I’m not nervous, I’m not even going to study, going to leave things more to destiny now a days. I emphasize, this is going to be one hell of a week. Until the next inspirational moment.
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