Here you see, the thing goes like so… I thought, in my bliss ignorance, that in college I would learn it all, everything I need to succeed and become what I want to, learn those little things, those details you need to know to work in this business. U
But the thing is, I let myself become convinced of that, I was stuck in my own fixated reality. And actually things aren’t what I thought, you see, I think that I’m not learning what I should be learning, and I’m actually going through the motions at school. Most of my teachers are Marxists’ that don’t see more than what they want to. Sooo after a tough ass exam I got in, and I was happy as hell, though a bit unsure that I had made the right "career" choice... still wanting to become a lawyer
On Tuesday (2 weeks ago), speaking with my high school principal –a genius, I might add- a guy who can rationalize and make my college teachers look like ignorant wimps with false arguments. You see talking to him, I rea

This dilemma, started off on Tuesday, reading a whole lot of things on the Obama Campaign, I almost had a heart attack, when I saw that Jon Favreau -the guy who wrote Obama’s speeches- is only 27 years old, and of course his P.A is only 24. Daaang…. That’s do a whole lot, in a young age! Imagine that, a 24 year old, with the prez’s agenda!!! Why can’t people have that kind of opportunities in this country “in development”.
Is it worth it to be almost 5 years studying this, when I’m clearly seeing that I’m not learning enough? I mean, hell, don’t think I’m slaking off… I’m doing a whole lot by myself, besides reading actually good books. But should I stay or should I go? Is the paper that worth it. I thought that going into my option I would be happy, and it's be a terrible week, things are officially worse than ever!! What to do?? Should I just go through with it?? Should I stay or should I go? I want to specialize on political marketing, media training, and crisis.... and I'm sure as hell not getting any of that with all the Marxists theoreicals my college makes me lear and bullshit around!!