The less we have to lose the less we care! Fear those whom have nothing to lose in this life!!
That’s the leason which the “good old ‘Ferras’” made me learn. Who is he? What did he do? The story is quite Mexican, although… I will try to translate the good juicy details…
Here’s the scene, so you can feel the ambient: A guy is standing in the line up –the one where the cops take pictures- Like so…. - Yes, just like the d12 poster-.
Here’s the scene, so you can feel the ambient: A guy is standing in the line up –the one where the cops take pictures- Like so…. - Yes, just like the d12 poster-.

A "sly" reporter -like most of the reporters in this land- hahaha- goes up to Ferras… and he immediately starts of telling “his facts”, throught a story with no chronological order o sense - in that matter-.
“My name is Felipe Ferras Goméz, sir. I’m from Veracruz. The dude came up to me with a chain and 500 pesos. He told me “I don’t give a fuck what you do, to me your just a shitface”. I told my mother “I’m going to stab that motherfucker”. My mother said “Nooo Ferraz don’t beee maaad, calm down”. Ugh, my damn knees hurt like crazy.
The reporter asks : Did you kill him?
Ferras: Afirmative.
Reporter: What happened?
Ferras: We went to the train tracks, and there he tried to stab me… I avoided them “saa saaa saaa”. The mother fucker… got pissed, but started running. That’s when everything went to hell, and then I threw cold bullets. You know cold bullets. He screamed… “Ferras, stop”. Hell no, you drink it or you spill it!!
Reporter: Where did you meet him?
Ferras: Pancho Viejo, Vercruz The mo fo, was arrested in Veracruz.
Reporter: Why were you arrested?
Ferras: We worked together. The files are there, you can check the computer… Ok, umm domicile robbery. I already paid that. Now all I owe is for him. He said he was going to fornicate with my sister and my mother! When I started shooting he was all up like “nooo stop, I’m sorry”. I can’t deny it… I did it… he’s going to say I did it "ohh he stabbed me” I don’t regret it, damn fag! I did it I’ll pay… I don’t have anywhere to go. I’m 24, Ill be out in 30, I’ll be 54, no problem I’ll pay!! He can’t talk about my mother. My name Is Ferrras. I send a shout out, to Jannet Guadalupe Contreras, alias la mimosa. Who works in a radio station, in Radio Rolas.
“My name is Felipe Ferras Goméz, sir. I’m from Veracruz. The dude came up to me with a chain and 500 pesos. He told me “I don’t give a fuck what you do, to me your just a shitface”. I told my mother “I’m going to stab that motherfucker”. My mother said “Nooo Ferraz don’t beee maaad, calm down”. Ugh, my damn knees hurt like crazy.
The reporter asks : Did you kill him?
Ferras: Afirmative.
Reporter: What happened?
Ferras: We went to the train tracks, and there he tried to stab me… I avoided them “saa saaa saaa”. The mother fucker… got pissed, but started running. That’s when everything went to hell, and then I threw cold bullets. You know cold bullets. He screamed… “Ferras, stop”. Hell no, you drink it or you spill it!!
Reporter: Where did you meet him?
Ferras: Pancho Viejo, Vercruz The mo fo, was arrested in Veracruz.
Reporter: Why were you arrested?
Ferras: We worked together. The files are there, you can check the computer… Ok, umm domicile robbery. I already paid that. Now all I owe is for him. He said he was going to fornicate with my sister and my mother! When I started shooting he was all up like “nooo stop, I’m sorry”. I can’t deny it… I did it… he’s going to say I did it "ohh he stabbed me” I don’t regret it, damn fag! I did it I’ll pay… I don’t have anywhere to go. I’m 24, Ill be out in 30, I’ll be 54, no problem I’ll pay!! He can’t talk about my mother. My name Is Ferrras. I send a shout out, to Jannet Guadalupe Contreras, alias la mimosa. Who works in a radio station, in Radio Rolas.
Damn I feel kind of bad for the guy’s lawyer. He was probably screaming: “Shut up”. “Don’t say a single thing”. Ferras is the clear example, that cynicism exists sometimes far more than we would like it to.
Hell, I love cynicism, I'm one of the biggest cynics I know -haha- But hey, there's a limit between saying what you feel like because you know that nothing can come of it, and saying things... that do have consequences -more than just pissing someone off-.such as loosing your freedom. Most of the things we do, we do them because we can, and we feel like doing them. Therefor, this guy should have kept his mouth shut, and hell, he could've argued "self-defense-.
Hell, I love cynicism, I'm one of the biggest cynics I know -haha- But hey, there's a limit between saying what you feel like because you know that nothing can come of it, and saying things... that do have consequences -more than just pissing someone off-.such as loosing your freedom. Most of the things we do, we do them because we can, and we feel like doing them. Therefor, this guy should have kept his mouth shut, and hell, he could've argued "self-defense-.
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