I have been on spring break in a land far far away, therefore I wasn’t able to write in my blog –yes, I know I’m always justifying my irresponsibility-
I went to this pseudo-virgin beach in a state located very south in Mexico, Oaxaca I was inn island that goes by the name of Chacahua; there’s barely electricity and running water, so you can get my drift.
It was an interesting trip, but, hell I’m a city gall, that likes the commodities of civilization I can’t help it; no one can blame me. I was planning on rockin’ it and I sure as hell did that “Rum, line after line”. But still I came to the next conclusions:
1. I love the big cities, were things aren’t monotonous.
2. Hell, don’t get me wrong I love nature, the nightlights, creeks, lakes, woods; and all that mumbo jumbo, it just doesn’t fill me anymore. I can attribute that to the fact that I lived in the middle of all that for about 11 years, so it no longer surprises me.
3. I believe that vacations are fo

Ok after that intro, I have to continue with the subject I had mentioned the last time. To refresh some memories: In politics, if no one betrays you; you’re not doing good politics. I promise I will never forget this phrase in my pragmatic career.
You see I believe that if you are doing things right, that usually makes some people upset and even envious; those two factors are one of the many sources of treason. They want to jump you, and smile down upon you. I learned that from one of my friends ex-girlfriends who was betrayed by her best friend for a bunch of crumbs of power, which neither did him or her obtain…. That’s a great life lesson.

Now you get why I learn more from everyday life than from a bunch of Marxists books –I’m more frustrated than ever in my terminal option, things are getting worse before they get better-.
Pues sí, Shaz, te comento en español porque, al menos por ahora, el inglés no es mi fuerte, aunque lo entiendo 2,3 y además eso te da una imagen de "multiculturalidad".
Así pasa cuando va uno a un lugar alejado de la sociedad, extrañas el ajetreo citadino!! La calma está bien, pero sólo para un fin de semana... jajajaja
Por otro lado, tu tranquis, que el olfato político ya lo tienes, sólo te están dando algunas bases marxistas para que lo uses con responsabilidad y compromiso social, no sea que quieras vendernos a un tirano, jajajajaja. Lo más importante, es que tú serás la próxima socia de José Antonio Sosa Plata y serás experta en manejo de crisis y media training...
I'm like you - I like nature....to a point. It does look like a nice place to visit, though :)
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