Don't we look like a wonderful and happy team?? Don't cha think?? are you sure... well that's a pineapple.... yeah bitches I soooooo bluffed you all. DON'T BE NIEVE!!
Yes the biggest pineapple of all times..... it all started exactly a week ago, day when the college Rally Expresión en corto began. You see I was under false pretenses.... I though I went to GUANAJUATO to work with "semi professionals" knowing nothing about production, but it all became quite disappointing when people let personal differences interfere with the goal of making a short film in 48 hours.
It all started on the wrong foot when "the boyz", didn't think it was fair for them to wake up early (as we hadn't slept at all).
Then things got really shitty when they bitched all day long..... food, sleep, and shit, ugh I never had to put up with such woses. (and God knows I've known my share) But I didn't give in, hahaha that was the best part. Aside from that, we ended up partying... thank god I met some folks who weren't panties in a bunch like our "director", whom argued "us" being a team that consisted of a table with varios legs.... hahaha since he gave a rats ass what was going on with us, this is the table we imagine he was refering to:
1.. the plan....
3. made it happen:
4. screw 'em all, and hell we even made new friends:
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