Ugh, I missed a reunion with my highschool budies!! Damn it, I'm quite pissed... this semester had started out wonderful, with great subjects, only the necesary and good friends not more, none the less, good teachers -although I don't agree with them always-, I'm actually learning the Machiavelian theories towards obtaining unlimited power. And today of al days, a teachers asistant today alarmed us all with a heavy homework assingnment for tommorow. So I decided not to go out, and do the responsihing, the thing a true college student would do and sudenly at 8:45 PM, the teachers asis... informed us all: "I won't be going tommorow to pick up your asignments, it's posponed until tuesday".

Ohh well, on the bright side: The other day I was thinking, and I learned yet again one more leason. Sometimes in life you expect certain things of people -either positive or negative- and sudenly, you know what will go down, but still; what you predicted happends and you have the "guts" to act surprised. It's sad, sometimes you don't want to be right, but hell if you can't help it what the hell. I still believe some bulshit will end up drowning shitty people and if not, well...... there's always other ways: VENGANCE FILLED WAYS!
1 comment:
I hope you're able to catch up with your buddies now that the semester is (I think) over :)
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