We can be sorry for lots of things, being unfair, being intolerable, having little patience. But there are times when you give people what they have coming, there's nothing you have to be sorry for.
And here goes the hard question, what happens when you can't clear the air, you can't even give an explanation for you actions or your "little patience"??

When you know that talking this over will just make the bomb blow.... and a hell storm will come over yourself? I can't tolerate the fact that someone does something that would piss anyone off, and later on when you try to clear things up -and be specific on what pissed you off-... the person acts all innocent, and in denial while victimizing themselves, that type of shit makes me lose "my little cool". (I say little because I've been know to lose my cool and be impulsive -although I never regret it, because they surely had it coming).

On the other hand, it's quite cool when someone apologizes for shit they pulled 6 years ago, it's quite gratifying, because once again I was right when I told a person off: "One day you'll understand that you can't pull this shit on people, and you'll regret it all your life".
Taaadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... this person, got far more than they deserved. (Much more than they deserved, but hell, it's life).
Hey, what goes around comes around :)
Very Good goes around.
Late apologies are sometimes better & mean more than those made immediately :)
Late apologies are sometimes better & mean more than those made immediately :)
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