Sunday, April 25, 2010

When you're right your right!!!

I know I'm very arrogant and pedantic. I can't help it, I enjoy my arrogance, and it's not something that'll change soon. Why???? Well, the answer is quite easy, I'm usually right, -about certain things-. I was right about the stupid bitch afro )#/$%$("&)!(1) and my good ol' friend had to admit it last night -at a party of course-. Because to my expierience, there's no better place to clear the air, like in a party.

He told me me: "Yes, he's not a friend, yes, he's opportunistic, and yes I don't trust him", That phrase alone made me the happiest person in the party. and I blurted out: "Was he worth us fighting over???". He quickly responded: "No he wasn't".

I know I don't have many talents, but I'm good at pin pointing people that are shitty. And I love pointing it out, and not swallowing my words.

(1) Story that I promised to tell, way back in: Another..., but it's not really worth a space in this blog. He's not even worth a space in this world hahaha.


Dorm Bedding said...

Great post - nice that you have a talent for calling people out before they show their true character :)

Be Not Curious said...

I had a long internal debate about whether it was possible to use the word "pedantic" in a completely unironic way. I think you did it!

Stick with your stubbornness.

Also, I've been reading for a few months so I decided to finally link to your blog. Check mine out when you've got a chance.

YazZzzZ said...

Thanks for the comments, I promise I'll check your blogs!!!!