Yes people.... one step closer, one more shot down.
Never the less this semester got a bit more complicated, due to "extraordinary" matters, this semester went form plagiarism, to a lot of debts, to deceit, to getting drunk with some teachers, to screwing things up with a great guy, some friendships weakened, others got stronger; hell it had it all.
And yet I'm not one to complain, but needless to say, it wasn't my favorite, but I learned a lot of life lessons, the kind I love!!
Next semester will get more interesting, I'll become a teachers asis., which will make me furfill my mision in life, and become a total biatch, towards people like "afro[1]".
[1] A little big mouth son of a #/&)!, I'll complement on this in another post.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Another one bites the dust!!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Monday 4 AM lesson.........
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
You can't put a time stamp on love......
I know it would be great if we could decide when, and how long we fall in love, or better yet who we love and put a time stamp that says "in 3 months this will expire"; that would just be great. But things aren't like that, life isn't like that. It would most certainly make life easier. Imagine that, you could say "I'm going to fall out of love of this son of a bitch in 2 weeks". But ohh hell no!!! When the going gets though, your still loving.
Time works the same way.... I learned the worst way, that time isn't a reusable o recyclable resource. You can't control time, you can't waste it, you can't leave things "for tomorrow". We can't leave things like that, tying lose ends, both time and love, we can't leave love for another time, we can't have a feeling and not act on it, that will only lead to self destruction. And I guess that's what's going on with me.... oh well, it's the price I pay, for being me and being stupid. Peace out y'all.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
To hell with it.....
It's kind of what out president has done with the Federal Electric Company, by liquidating it, and getting rid of the corrupt unions. But in my case, I can't get rid of my own corruption. All of this under the scheme "it's better to find out, than never know" I've sure as hell done a lot of stupid things, but o well.... at least I know, the problem is that I'm still there waiting.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Your Heart....
I carry your heart with me( I carry it in
my heart)I am never without it (anywhere
I go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
I fear
not fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) I want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
Friday, September 4, 2009
This morning didn't start out all that well....
Scene 2.... I get early to school, for the 1st time in this semester. I even run into Veneronni, (puff a wounderful teacher) and we talk about school, academia and my area, he congradulates me for being in political communication. At that point I thought, puff..... what a great way to start my day. HOW VERY WRONG I WAS!!!
Scene 3: I sit outside my classroom on the 3rd floor; and time goes by... 7:15 AM "Hmm no one has gotten to class, how wierd.. I ask Joaquin through sms...." he responds: "the teacher sent an email last night that she won't come to class". DAMN IT!! I walk out the building screaming curse words.

Scene 5: finnally I start burning the dvds, and while doing so, I went to organize the goddamn newspapers that my boss had left out for me.
Scene 7: I finish my work, my boss comes trought the door with more newspapers. And right now I'm thinking "ohh hell no, I'm not going through the whole newspaper ordeal"
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Damn it.... bright side.
Ugh, I missed a reunion with my highschool budies!! Damn it, I'm quite pissed... this semester had started out wonderful, with great subjects, only the necesary and good friends not more, none the less, good teachers -although I don't agree with them always-, I'm actually learning the Machiavelian theories towards obtaining unlimited power. And today of al days, a teachers asistant today alarmed us all with a heavy homework assingnment for tommorow. So I decided not to go out, and do the responsihing, the thing a true college student would do and sudenly at 8:45 PM, the teachers asis... informed us all: "I won't be going tommorow to pick up your asignments, it's posponed until tuesday".

Ohh well, on the bright side: The other day I was thinking, and I learned yet again one more leason. Sometimes in life you expect certain things of people -either positive or negative- and sudenly, you know what will go down, but still; what you predicted happends and you have the "guts" to act surprised. It's sad, sometimes you don't want to be right, but hell if you can't help it what the hell. I still believe some bulshit will end up drowning shitty people and if not, well...... there's always other ways: VENGANCE FILLED WAYS!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Lyrics of my life….
- “Love is not forever and not for everyone”
- “Attitude it’s no motto it’s most certainly a way of life… so start living and stop BITCHING!!!”
- “Time… is a resource we don’t have at our disposal, it’s not reusable”
- “When I die, I want to do it with the less regrets possible”
- “Rum and Rock line After Line, till life tears us apart”
- "It's easy to be a communist when you have nothing lose".
Will once told me something that really stuck.
- “So many things to do. Should I run out and do them? Wait are we doing them, now? I might be damned but, I’ll be dammed if I let time win.”
Now, in the musical department I have found a series of songs that come into m


Breathe it in and breathe it out And pass it on, it's almost out We're so creative, so much more We're high above but on the floor It's not a habit, it's cool, I feel alive If you don't have it you're on the other side […]It's not a habit, it's cool, I feel alive If you don't have it you're on the other side I'm not an addict (maybe that's a lie).
Llevo conmigo un radar especial para localizar solteros
Si acaso me meto en aprietos tambien llevo el número de los bomberos ni tipos muy lindos ni divos ni niños ricos yo se lo que quiero pasarla muy bien y portarme muy mal en los brazos de algún caballero
Una loba en el armario
Tiene ganas de salir
Deja que se coma el barrio Antes de irte a dormir
Cuando son casi la una la loba en celo saluda a la luna
Duda si andar por la calle o entrar en un bar a probar fortuna
Ya está sentada en su mesa y pone la mira en su proxima presa
Pobre del desprevenido que no se esperaba una de esas
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Not a Common Person....
Yes, my 1st "semi" real campaign I lost, but hell I could justify the matter in a zillion ways, but the truth of the matter is: as an adviser you don't have the last word in the choices; hell you get a word which is better than not having one. But that's no guarantee.

I'm more than certain I was right in everything I "advised"; but hell, it wasn't up to me; as it usually isn't. I told the politician not to trust another crazed politician, who has no respect and is infected from "frustration syndrome". But hell, "my boss" made his choice not to listen and to trust someone non worthy of it. That's when the backstabbing shiat went down -something far from common in politics-.
It's sad that our campaign team lost, but in a good way, there's some good in the crappy... hell, maybe people will learn that sometimes a 21 year old can be right (ha). Although, people watch out... I'm not retiring, so let me warn you: politicians beware biatches; because the game isn't over and a scandolous, devious and cynical Machiavellian in search 4 power is waiting (hell, that's me).
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Le grand show.... le grand pineapple...
Don't we look like a wonderful and happy team?? Don't cha think?? are you sure... well that's a pineapple.... yeah bitches I soooooo bluffed you all. DON'T BE NIEVE!!
Yes the biggest pineapple of all times..... it all started exactly a week ago, day when the college Rally Expresión en corto began. You see I was under false pretenses.... I though I went to GUANAJUATO to work with "semi professionals" knowing nothing about production, but it all became quite disappointing when people let personal differences interfere with the goal of making a short film in 48 hours.
It all started on the wrong foot when "the boyz", didn't think it was fair for them to wake up early (as we hadn't slept at all).
Then things got really shitty when they bitched all day long..... food, sleep, and shit, ugh I never had to put up with such woses. (and God knows I've known my share) But I didn't give in, hahaha that was the best part. Aside from that, we ended up partying... thank god I met some folks who weren't panties in a bunch like our "director", whom argued "us" being a team that consisted of a table with varios legs.... hahaha since he gave a rats ass what was going on with us, this is the table we imagine he was refering to:
1.. the plan....
3. made it happen:
4. screw 'em all, and hell we even made new friends:
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I have no excuse....
I know I know.... I've been an irresponsible-unforgivable person lately, I haven't updated this thing in almost 2 months. But I haven't been on vacation, therefore can I be forgotten?
But I swear..... I've been hella's busy.... and I promise I will write of my life experiences and learnings once I'm done with this short story for a rally. Wish me luck. And to all of my friends..... sorry I have been a lousy abandoner (how very bitchy of me).
Monday, May 25, 2009
Some folks find it “entertaining” acquiring attention from their peers, “asking for it” even “begging for it”. I know I hate many attitudes but acting immature due to a lack of self respect and maturity is right on top of the list and so is the need for others “praise” something despicable. These are the 11 things that I would admire enough to praise and give a person MY attention (and, ha- respect).
- Pinching Hugh Jackmans’ ass and getting away with it!!
- Getting the popes hat and putting it on while all eyes are upon you during mass.
- Winning the presidential race and resigning augmenting “it being a boring ass job”.
- Flashing an important political or monarchal figure.
- Bitch-slapping Ana Gabriela Guevara, and running so fast that bitch can’t catch up
- In a family members wedding, during the “speech” saying inappropriate things such as: “I never thought my sister would find a guy that would want to voluntarily screw her"
- Getting caught having sex on a historical statute.
- Going very high to work, with everyone thinking “hmm, that’s not normal behavior” but being powerful enough that no one can do anything about it.
- Flipping over a car and surviving it –not killing anyone else in the process-, and even laughing about it –extra points if it’s a luxurious car-.
- Never being accused of being a “bad-load”.
- Never going to classes and getting a better GPA than people who do go.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Just 2 hours before turning 21
I have just realized what my biggest disadvantage towards life is. I make other peoples problems my own. A big reason to why I blame myself for certain things, ending up feeling guilty for things that are totally out of my control. The same reason why I don't cope like normal people do with certain situations..... it's a flaw I know it.
That's why sometimes I'm self destructive.... that's why I blame my self with the typical "should'a, could'a, would'a" bulshit. Even though it's not my responsibility......
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Living in Raccoon City
I have always suspected that living here was dangerous to my health. But up until Friday it was made official, there is a “terrible” “catastrophic” and “deadly” swine flu going around. Due to this: clubs, bars, private parties etc have been canceled, restaurants are closed, and so are movie theaters, schools sports events and concerts. I believe that these are drastic measures that occur in 3rd world countries –like mine- with governments that don’t know how to get a grip on things. IT SHOULDN'T HAVE COME TO THIS, but since our govenrments are slow, they decided to wait it out!!!
Even the measures that people are taking are mediocre, they don’t even know how to wear their masks, and they are still eating on carts in the streets, I laugh a lot when I go out. I feel like the characters in Resident Evil, everyone is paranoid you can’t even sneeze without people wanting to throw themselves to the ground –as if I had a gun-. I’m not going to be feeding the collective hysterical exaggeration I’m living in. I believe that if people would stop automating and start going to the doctor this wouldn’t spread.

“Don’t worry I’m infected but I'm not contagious”- Alice
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
YazzZzz a Machiavellian who is constantly scheming
I have been on spring break in a land far far away, therefore I wasn’t able to write in my blog –yes, I know I’m always justifying my irresponsibility-
I went to this pseudo-virgin beach in a state located very south in Mexico, Oaxaca I was inn island that goes by the name of Chacahua; there’s barely electricity and running water, so you can get my drift.
It was an interesting trip, but, hell I’m a city gall, that likes the commodities of civilization I can’t help it; no one can blame me. I was planning on rockin’ it and I sure as hell did that “Rum, line after line”. But still I came to the next conclusions:
1. I love the big cities, were things aren’t monotonous.
2. Hell, don’t get me wrong I love nature, the nightlights, creeks, lakes, woods; and all that mumbo jumbo, it just doesn’t fill me anymore. I can attribute that to the fact that I lived in the middle of all that for about 11 years, so it no longer surprises me.
3. I believe that vacations are fo

Ok after that intro, I have to continue with the subject I had mentioned the last time. To refresh some memories: In politics, if no one betrays you; you’re not doing good politics. I promise I will never forget this phrase in my pragmatic career.
You see I believe that if you are doing things right, that usually makes some people upset and even envious; those two factors are one of the many sources of treason. They want to jump you, and smile down upon you. I learned that from one of my friends ex-girlfriends who was betrayed by her best friend for a bunch of crumbs of power, which neither did him or her obtain…. That’s a great life lesson.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
campaigning through life.....
I had a wonderful time, I was in operations. And we won the whole thing –OK, so what! We lost communications- But the Social Science Committee, the University Committee -Prince Hervin-, Political Science, and Public Administration was a total win by our part!!!
And the guy who won Communications is going to have to put up with me and my bullshit –cause I can’t trust his ass-. He’s going to have to work a lot on his proposals because I’m going to hunt his deceitful, two-faced ass.
April, May and June are going to be 3 though months for me… I will be working simultaneously in 2 political campaigns and the polls investigation for the Public Opinion Study Group. And on top of that, my aunt and uncle are coming all the way from Argentina.
In politics, if no one betrays you; you’re not doing good politics.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
In “Game of an Angel”, it’s Spanish author –Carlos Ruiz Zafón- expressed this phrase, which I love:
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Could it be???
I think it's not only written, but a day like today 2 years ago.... he was destined, and I wasn't.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Anything can be fixed with a CUBA!!
I spent a wonderful saturday, alongside with a couple of highschool friends, and some great Havanna Club and Jack Daniel's!! hahaha
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Educational Crisis
Here you see, the thing goes like so… I thought, in my bliss ignorance, that in college I would learn it all, everything I need to succeed and become what I want to, learn those little things, those details you need to know to work in this business. U
But the thing is, I let myself become convinced of that, I was stuck in my own fixated reality. And actually things aren’t what I thought, you see, I think that I’m not learning what I should be learning, and I’m actually going through the motions at school. Most of my teachers are Marxists’ that don’t see more than what they want to. Sooo after a tough ass exam I got in, and I was happy as hell, though a bit unsure that I had made the right "career" choice... still wanting to become a lawyer
On Tuesday (2 weeks ago), speaking with my high school principal –a genius, I might add- a guy who can rationalize and make my college teachers look like ignorant wimps with false arguments. You see talking to him, I rea

This dilemma, started off on Tuesday, reading a whole lot of things on the Obama Campaign, I almost had a heart attack, when I saw that Jon Favreau -the guy who wrote Obama’s speeches- is only 27 years old, and of course his P.A is only 24. Daaang…. That’s do a whole lot, in a young age! Imagine that, a 24 year old, with the prez’s agenda!!! Why can’t people have that kind of opportunities in this country “in development”.
Is it worth it to be almost 5 years studying this, when I’m clearly seeing that I’m not learning enough? I mean, hell, don’t think I’m slaking off… I’m doing a whole lot by myself, besides reading actually good books. But should I stay or should I go? Is the paper that worth it. I thought that going into my option I would be happy, and it's be a terrible week, things are officially worse than ever!! What to do?? Should I just go through with it?? Should I stay or should I go? I want to specialize on political marketing, media training, and crisis.... and I'm sure as hell not getting any of that with all the Marxists theoreicals my college makes me lear and bullshit around!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The stoooory of my life!!
I felt inspired with this song, call it projection.... or whatever........
Sweetness, sweetness never suits me, when I get up to take you home
Maybe it's love, love at first slightly drunk
Now I'm walking with the sun in my mouth
Worry, worry is a well, going to let it fall tonight, from where we stand
What can't be decided
In the morning it will bring itself to you
I can see what's coming, but I'm not saying it
Sickness, weakness at the thought, of how you're going to play
How long should I stay?
Promises, promises never cease to assist it, now I'm back on my back
Please bite your words
Hurry, hurry to believe, I can always trust, as much as you deceive
What can't be decided
In the morning it will bring itself to you
I can see what's coming, but I'm not saying it
What's your middle name? How do you play the game?
I'll be the first to leave
When did I grow up? I don't want to say too much
I'll be the first to leave
What can't be decided
In the morning it will bring itself to you
What can't be decided
Can fool you into thinking maybe you can choose
I can see what's coming
But I'm not saying it
Stars- Midnight Coward.....because after all we've been through... you are just another coward!!!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Goood ol' Ferras...
Here’s the scene, so you can feel the ambient: A guy is standing in the line up –the one where the cops take pictures- Like so…. - Yes, just like the d12 poster-.

“My name is Felipe Ferras Goméz, sir. I’m from Veracruz. The dude came up to me with a chain and 500 pesos. He told me “I don’t give a fuck what you do, to me your just a shitface”. I told my mother “I’m going to stab that motherfucker”. My mother said “Nooo Ferraz don’t beee maaad, calm down”. Ugh, my damn knees hurt like crazy.
The reporter asks : Did you kill him?
Ferras: Afirmative.
Reporter: What happened?
Ferras: We went to the train tracks, and there he tried to stab me… I avoided them “saa saaa saaa”. The mother fucker… got pissed, but started running. That’s when everything went to hell, and then I threw cold bullets. You know cold bullets. He screamed… “Ferras, stop”. Hell no, you drink it or you spill it!!
Reporter: Where did you meet him?
Ferras: Pancho Viejo, Vercruz The mo fo, was arrested in Veracruz.
Reporter: Why were you arrested?
Ferras: We worked together. The files are there, you can check the computer… Ok, umm domicile robbery. I already paid that. Now all I owe is for him. He said he was going to fornicate with my sister and my mother! When I started shooting he was all up like “nooo stop, I’m sorry”. I can’t deny it… I did it… he’s going to say I did it "ohh he stabbed me” I don’t regret it, damn fag! I did it I’ll pay… I don’t have anywhere to go. I’m 24, Ill be out in 30, I’ll be 54, no problem I’ll pay!! He can’t talk about my mother. My name Is Ferrras. I send a shout out, to Jannet Guadalupe Contreras, alias la mimosa. Who works in a radio station, in Radio Rolas.
Hell, I love cynicism, I'm one of the biggest cynics I know -haha- But hey, there's a limit between saying what you feel like because you know that nothing can come of it, and saying things... that do have consequences -more than just pissing someone off-.such as loosing your freedom. Most of the things we do, we do them because we can, and we feel like doing them. Therefor, this guy should have kept his mouth shut, and hell, he could've argued "self-defense-.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
One of many things I believe....
For example; in a simple shallow kind of way (my way)... the best parties in life AREN'T PLANNED! I can't help mentioning thaaaa parties, it's just my thing.
But looking at it in a deeper spectrum... those people whom we love, passionated, we don't reason it. For example I could have a long list of demands for a "perfect guy", but in the long run... I end up with the least "list filling" kind of guy. Why?? Because my list is rational... I know why I want a kind of guy that.... 1... 2....3....4... BUT in the end of the road, maybe that guy won't make me feel more than "a simple feeling", and a simple feeling is easy to come by!! And human beeings throught life, don't search for simple feelings; we search for that feeling we can't understand, the feeling that confuses us, the feeling which we can't understand, much less explain.
This is the reason why movies, tv shows, books, and all the rest of the media contains... exist. They produce feelings more than thoughts... you feel something about the character, the news, and then you may rationalize upon it. Or al least, that's my belief!! We search for the feelings that certain things produce. WE ARE IN CONSTANT SEARCH OF EMOTIONS and FEELINGS!!!
I must remind you all, that I always speak for my self.... and for my self ONLY... I would not change any moment that I didn't spite of the consequences -good or bad-. Why??? because... some emotions are worth living for!!! The adrenaline, fear, hatred, incompetence, love, regret. It is more through emotions how we learn. We don't want to feel something again or maybe we do!! hahah... who knows!!
I believe that it is those people who rationalize every movement... who have everything planned out, are the ones who in the end, become most frustrated... because... THINGS DON'T ALWAYS TURN OUT AS THEY SHOULD, or at least, the way some people plan things. There's nothing more unfair than the ways of the world.
Monday, January 19, 2009
The intro, after the credits there's the phrase:
"People ask the question... what's a RocknRolla? And I tell 'em - it's not about drugs, drums, and hospital drips, oh no. There's more there than that, my friend. We all like a bit of the good life - some the money, some the drugs, other the sex game, the glamour, or the fame. But a RocknRolla, oh, he's different. Why? Because a real RocknRolla wants the fucking lot".
Ok the other scene I loved, and not because of the mottos, but because of the direction.... would be the dance scene with Gerard Butler & Thandie Newton. The song which goes perfectly is by Flash & The Plan, and it's called: Waiting for a train.
hahaha: "There's no need for strong violence".
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Wierd couple of days
These have been a couple of interesting days, up until today. As it turns out I got offered a job… yes… another job.

It would have been quite complicated to fit everything in, 2 jobs, school, and partaaays. As I have previously have repeated “I like my comfortable life”. And as my father put it “it’s a big sacrifice, is it worth it? Is it necessary?” Turns out he’s right –something that he hasn’t been for a long time-. Besides, the job had nothing to do with my major.
Even though I bitch a lot about my job at college, I actually enjoy it there, the perks are great, it’s simple, clean cut, and the commodities are good too. –This is how I convince myself-.
On Monday I also went to see a friend, who used to work in county. He asked me to help him pimp out a magazine that he’s sort of running. So I got to thinking, and got the “gang” together on Tuesday – Fer, Cora and Mimmie-, so we started brainstorming, and we will make this zine ours biatches!! It’s a good way to start a year don’t cha think?
Ughh, on the other hand I don't get men. The story of my life: there's this guy and we really hit it off, but no one acts upon their feelings DAMN IT!!!
PD. Yeaah I’m quite exited, because in exactly 6 days Obama will become president. He will sit in his desk in the oval office with his feet placed upon it; and say “Daaamn, I’m one smart negro. Ohhh Now I see how Monica got under the desk, it’s quite spacious.”
Saturday, January 3, 2009
A long year in deed!!
My new year resolution will consist of not wasting my time, I will be a whole lot productive; there's nothing worse than throwing away my time, and life for that matter. I learned right up till the end that I had abandoned good people, people who are worth it, and I had focused my attention to a certain person that will never be, a person not willing to make a choice, therefore I made it for him.
I'm going to do all the things that I should have done2 years ago. And that's about it folks. I wish that everyone has a wonderful 09, I wish that the best of 08 is the worse of 08 (just like a good friend told me on new years eve).