Monday, September 7, 2009

Your Heart....

I carry your heart

I carry your heart with me( I carry it in
my heart)I am never without it (anywhere
I go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
I fear
not fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) I want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)!!!!

-E.E. Cummings-

Friday, September 4, 2009

This morning didn't start out all that well....

The following events ocurred right after the events of last night (since I didn't go partying).
Riiing Riiing Riiing..... 5:30 AM: My 1st thought this morning: "Damn it, I gotta get to my 7 AM class to turn in a paper".... (flashfoward through the morning routine) before I'm out the door, my sister yells at me for a reason as idiotic as her lazy ass"That's why 'he' will never be your boyfriend".
Scene 2.... I get early to school, for the 1st time in this semester. I even run into Veneronni, (puff a wounderful teacher) and we talk about school, academia and my area, he congradulates me for being in political communication. At that point I thought, puff..... what a great way to start my day. HOW VERY WRONG I WAS!!!

Scene 3: I sit outside my classroom on the 3rd floor; and time goes by... 7:15 AM "Hmm no one has gotten to class, how wierd.. I ask Joaquin through sms...." he responds: "the teacher sent an email last night that she won't come to class". DAMN IT!! I walk out the building screaming curse words.

Scene 4, ok I calm down I get to the office and I start working -thinking ok, I'll get a head start-. Scene 5: I had to burn an international advertising festival (we have the original DVDs that the Spanish Embassy lent us) I go to desk were the cds were stored, and what do you know the DVD falls down under the drawer and I spent an hour trying to get the original DVD out. Sudeenly I stik my hand underneath the drawer, and my friggin hand get's stuck. I can't move, my cel is too far to reach.... (funny scene) don't you think. I was a half hour stuck, kicking the hell outta the desk, until I just shut my eyes and pull my hand out (It still hurts).

Scene 5: finnally I start burning the dvds, and while doing so, I went to organize the goddamn newspapers that my boss had left out for me.

Scene 7: I finish my work, my boss comes trought the door with more newspapers. And right now I'm thinking "ohh hell no, I'm not going through the whole newspaper ordeal"


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Damn it.... bright side.

Ugh, I missed a reunion with my highschool budies!! Damn it, I'm quite pissed... this semester had started out wonderful, with great subjects, only the necesary and good friends not more, none the less, good teachers -although I don't agree with them always-, I'm actually learning the Machiavelian theories towards obtaining unlimited power. And today of al days, a teachers asistant today alarmed us all with a heavy homework assingnment for tommorow. So I decided not to go out, and do the responsihing, the thing a true college student would do and sudenly at 8:45 PM, the teachers asis... informed us all: "I won't be going tommorow to pick up your asignments, it's posponed until tuesday".

And yes, It was too late to go out, I didn't have a ride... damn you EVE.... I will get my revenge.

Ohh well, on the bright side:
The other day I was thinking, and I learned yet again one more leason. Sometimes in life you expect certain things of people -either positive or negative- and sudenly, you know what will go down, but still; what you predicted happends and you have the "guts" to act surprised. It's sad, sometimes you don't want to be right, but hell if you can't help it what the hell. I still believe some bulshit will end up drowning shitty people and if not, well...... there's always other ways: VENGANCE FILLED WAYS!
So here goes the new motto: "It doesn't come as a suprise to me, what comes as a suprise is that it suprises you. Hell let's not act suprised it's what you were ready for".

pd. As it turnes out, some people involved in the whole "short-pineapple" ordeal I talked about a couple of enteries ago, think they're son snide... and they can get away with anything, but we're always one step ahead of your neurotic-mediocre ass!!!