Sunday, August 3, 2008

jajajaja, "FUCK ME"??

That's what pathetic people comment on a Saturday night at 1: 00 AM. Don't you have something better to do??? It's quite clear some folks don't have a life, so they destine their free time to writing a series of "Fuck yous", sometimes with grammatical mistakes, because hey, I can't expect some folks to write in English hahaha, especially the type of folks that remain anonymous and IGNORANT

I would publish the comments that are insulting, because hey, I'm all for the freedom of speech but there are limits, and I refuse to publish anything anonymous. If you have the "nuts" to write "fuck you", you must also have the balls to write your "fucking" name. I don't care if people don't agree with me, I have even published comments of people who think the opposite of what I write, but they write it respectfully. If you want to make me feel bad, an insult isn't the key, do it with intelligence, any one can insult me, but few people can make their point with IQ.

It's my "fucking" blog, and I can say what ever the "fuck" I want, and if that makes some people nauseous, well live with it, hahahaha. Or better yet, DON'T VISIT MY BLOG!!! You always have a choice in what you read haha, I deeply regret the fact that I can't be friends with bitchy ass, cowards hahahaha..... cheers!!


Anonymous said...

mmm.. they must be jealous about your video me hahahah

Anonymous said... my ip?

Dorm Bedding said...

It really amazes me that some people feel the need to be jerks & write terrible things to you....they need to get a life :)