Tuesday, June 10, 2008

An accusation.

Scene 1. Gabriel: “You sound like that one kid who said that a dictatorship is the best democracy”.

Scene 2. Yaz: “Discussing about how the media should be isn’t going to change it”.

Gabriel “Well, here we come to discuss how media should be”.

Yaz (to herself and under her breath). “That’s not going to get me a job, or feed me, or clothe me. That’s philosophy, not communication.”

Scene 3: Yaz: “We can’t expose our opinion on laws, education, welfare, economics, everything. We don’t have enough bases on any of those subjects; we are not made to comment about everything. That’s the same thing that pisses us off about talk shows.”

Gabriel “There’s Fatima Fernandez, she comments about anything”.

Yaz (to herself and under her breath). “She’s a sociologist; she’s not a communication expert, it’s not the same”.

Scene 4: Gabriel “You have a B. Why can’t you write properly?”

Yaz: “Umm, well, umm, Spanish isn’t my native language”.

Gabriel snickers, and says “OK”.

I thought back of all the particulars throughout the semester and I came to a conclusion, he didn’t like me because I didn’t think like him, OK, he didn’t have to like me, but he had an obligation to at least respect me. Why? Because the hypocrite at the beginning of the semester clearly said: “here you can all speak your mind”. Well pure honky donky… he didn’t respect me or my way of thinking, the jackass wouldn’t have had to, if he hadn’t acted as if he were quite open. Just like a congruent adult would assume.

It’s quite funny how he babbled on about censorship, and he takes it to the next level at his own classroom. Quite pathetic you wouldn’t think?

I’m past it, but I would really like to accuse, Gabriel Romero Hernandez, for the hideous crime of banning my liberty of speech. He is one of those intolerant teachers at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, in the Faculty of Political and Social Science, but he’s the worst kind, because he passes off as a nice “open” kind of guy, with a dynamic class, and “easy” exams. Pure crap, his exams are so subjective, a priest would be more objective. And as to open, open ha, yeah right, a pro life protester is much more open than him. Sad isn’t it?
But on the other hand, I have just officially ended with this torturing semester. So 4 gone, 5 to go. Huraaahhh. I will pick my teachers more carefully next time, and I won’t, I repeat, I WON’T Guide my decisions on second opinions.

1 comment:

cors said...

"pure honky donky"




Okei.... creo que Gabriel definitivamente no fue nuestra persona favorita este semestre. Pero bueno.... puedes hablarle de 'tú' para mentarle la madre.