Saturday, March 1, 2008

Just a thought. PRT I

I wrote this, almost a year ago… there are something’s that I have learned not to be true, but in the meantime I’ll add this entry, and of course I’ll later explain myself.

So over these long vacations, in which I’ve had a substantial period of time to analyze a few things.... lets see if I can express my thoughts correctly, I’m a little rusty in the English department so please be patient with my grammar and spelling mistakes. .
First of all it’s really difficult to generalize, so I’ll try avoiding that. With that said….almost all human being can be contradictory, why? You might ask; My answer isn’t that simple…. See we tend to (not all of us) say one thing and later do something completely different, maybe even unconsciously.
How many times have you lied to your self??? Just to believe something that isn’t completely true, this way elimination pain, anxiety, or preoccupation.
I really don’t think of it abnormal, I mean come on reality isn’t always just peachy, is it?? Can you imagine the real motive for the existence of movies and even TV shows…. I’m going to go out on a limb here…. All the media being as “objective? as you might think it is, has one true goal…. Higher ratings, with that accomplished, they are able to advertise, and commercialize : products, services, hell even ideas. So it’s a mercantile objective, but it becomes a bit more than that …. It actually goes back to the whole reality-fantasy debate, you see the media with a defining goal, easy to have I might add, the problem is reaching it, getting in the race, making it through, squeezing the juice, what ever you might call it…. How???
My analysis thus far… all this is achieved by giving you a piece of reality…. Yeah that’s right… how many times have you seen a movie, or watched a TV show and actually placed you self in someone else’s shoes?? Or though… what would it be like?? Maybe you aren’t so aware of doing it, but I’m most certain you have, even unconsciously. The media that’s what the media does, it drains your reality from maybe (emphasis on maybe) your sad, depressing, vicious, boring life. Taking you audiovisual-y to a perfect, fun, exiting, world; where anything can happen. That’s one of the things that makes us human, we enjoy feeling human as if we all had something in common.
That’s not all that communicative media does: they actually tell you how you should act, think, do, feel, about certain things. Many people from recent generations watch more TV, then they actually attend class (proven by professors and scientists on the subject). TV is becoming a babysitter in most cases, children mainly infants are more educated on social customs; by TV shows, than by actual parents or relatives.
For example I don’t see it being all bad, it can actually be a relief in some aspects. The wrong doing goes on when theses international, media enterprises go out and interfere in national political interests, telling others what to believe and how to see the world. Where does that leave sovereignty??? How about everyone else’s free will? It’s important to have your own way of seeing the world, your own ideology. Don’t let your self become manipulated, even though fantasies can be very attractive. Don’t always follow the masses, something’s are deceitful.
You have been educated in a neo-liberal (economically speaking) ideology, in which globalization is well seen, but what about the clothing you buy for 100s of dollars? Clothing which is produced in Taiwan for 10 cents, in a poverty stricken village, where people have no choice but to work a very long amount of hours for 2 dollars a day… yeah it’s true you sometimes don’t have a choice (you don’t choose where you’re born) but think about it; wouldn’t better salaries be more human??

Don’t get the wrong idea I’m not a global-phobic or anything, thanks to it international commerce has opened though not always beneficiary. Just as Karl Marx anticipated a couple of centuries ago “one day imperialism will become a totally different level? . What would be of communication, transference of information worldwide, technology and other things without globalization. What I criticize is the human factor, arrogance, and capitalism egoism.
We tend to be extremists, and judge everything on a scale, losing objectivity. It is also useless to be extremely subjective, and see everything polarized and segmented. A balance does exist, something can’t be completely evil, or truly virtuous, there’s a gray, a middle, a balance, in almost everything that meets the eye. It can become very difficult to see with all the misleading information that has bee taught during the existence of life by religion, government TV and all social controlling means.

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