Monday, March 3, 2008

On the bright Side

Yes, people! I’m getting over the manic depressive mode that last week come over my nervous system… Yeaaah “positively thinking YAZZZ is back”…. So I’ll just talk about the only good thing about last week It has been exactly a week ago, since I participated in my boss’s book presentation, a great honor indeed.

I was quite the nervous wreck, I constantly had flashbacks of the Congress debate 2 years ago, the debate where Zamorano, Eugenia, Fabian, the late Bernardo and I obtained 2nd place, because we truly kicked some private mediocre school ass.

The book conference ran quite smoothly, I talked about my dear, Speck Crew, whom in the most part voted BLUE (PAN), in the 2006 elections. I managed NOT to screw up, or say anything inappropriate, or tremble while I spoke. This makes me quite happy, I should celebrate (haha as if the crazy weekend wasn’t enough!).

Could it be? Am I actually getting over my stage fright? Can I finally become a communicator without worrying? I hope all those answers are affirmatives, because if not, I’m taking the wrong major.

Well dear readers, have a great week, until the next inspirational moment.

PD: I promise to upload the conference pictures as soon as I get them

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